+64 2041283124 kiddlrs@slingshot.co.nz

Kidd's Law Publications web-site launch

Today, 21/11/14, the new web-site of Kidd's Law Publications was launched in Word Press. Valuable new Product Previews have been freely provided on the web-site for Fair Work Law & Annotated Act, Kidd & Darge's Traffic Law (Civil & Criminal), Kidd's Damages Australia – Assessing Personal Injury Damages in Australia, and Kidd's Traffic Law (Criminal). Stay tuned to this blog as summaries of the latest case law pertaining to Fair Work Australia Law, motor and traffic Law and assessment of damages law will be provided...

Fair Work High Income threshold – Superannuation contributions

FWA Cth s382(b)(iii) – High income threshold [2014] FWC 8956 NSW Post v QSuper Ltd (“The applicant’s total remuneration package was $145,600. The total contribution to his superannuation account was 12.5%. The respondent submitted that only the compulsory 9.5% charge was excluded from Mr Post’s total remuneration package for the purposes of assessing whether he exceeded the high income threshold” @8 – “a higher voluntary contribution is a contribution from income which is properly considered income to be taken into account in assessing whether or not the high income threshold is exceeded”...

Horses on road

In Proudlove v Burridge 19/11/14  [2014] WADC 156 per Keen DCJ, P was left severely disabled after the vehicle in which he was a passenger hit a horse and left the road. The accident occurred at night on a country road where the speed limit was 110kmh. A motorist, having seen two horses on the road, stopped her car with the headlights facing oncoming traffic, put her hazard lights on and attempted to shoo the horses away. When this proved unsuccessful she tried to wave a warning to oncoming vehicles. One driver saw her and swerved but lost control of her vehicle. P alleged that D, the driver of the vehicle she was in, was negligent for failing to see the horses, the lady on the road or the lights of her vehicle. P’s claim was dismissed. D was driving within the speed limit and otherwise carefully. Whilst it was found that he was negligent for failing to see the hazards, P ultimately failed on causation. Even if D observed the hazards, braked and swerved it had not been shown that the accident could have been avoided or lessened to any appreciable extent (p569). The collision appeared to be inevitable or unavoidable. Section 5D Civil Liability Act...

Survivor guilt

See Oram v BHP Mitsui Coal Pty Ltd & Anor 19/9/14 [2014] QSC 230 where McMeekin J, in a limitations case, stated A had “at least reasonable prospects of persuading the eventual tribunal of fact that psychiatric injury to a surviving employee, particularly one who was designated to work with those who died, was a foreseeable outcome in the relevant sense from exposure to such a disaster as occurred and the loss of 11 workmates” @66. A did not witness the disaster, but was involved the next day in the search for the...

Recent cases – Workers compensation law

WCT43/14 Baker (W suffered a right ankle ligament strain at work in 2007 and it was determined in 2008 he had a permanent impairment of 10% – he had a slightly increased vulnerability to further injury as a result – in 2011 he “slipped at work … [and] suffered a ‘right ankle strain/partial tear of lateral ligaments’” @3 – “aggravation may mean ‘an increase in gravity or seriousness.’ Acceleration relates to the progress of a disease itself, and is thus not applicable to the present circumstances of acute traumatic injury. Exacerbation has a similar meaning to aggravation in the sense of requiring some worsening of gravity or seriousness. Deterioration connotes a progressive worsening of an ongoing condition. Recurrence means that a prior injury has happened again or recurred” (footnotes omitted) @27 – in applying the s43(7)(a) test, the “lack of any ongoing functional impairment and of symptoms for over two years prior to the second injury, is … a relevant, but not determinative, factual circumstance to be taken into account” @31 – “the word ‘injury’ in s 43(7)(a) is not used only in the sense of functional or symptomatic injury, but includes all ongoing tissue damage or pathology” @31 –  deterioration, exacerbation, recurrence and acceleration excluded on facts – “both work injuries probably involved partial tears of the same ligaments but to different degrees of severity, despite their different classifications as a strain or partial tear; and … both 2007 injuries were additive contributors to the 2011 injury” @42 – “the second work injury did consist of an increase in the gravity or severity of the structurally compromised and...